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Fixing the weakest link in IT security


Understand more about how user education is the vital cog in keeping your business’ cyber security wheel spinning – and how you could be at risk without it.

How to address the workforce behaviours putting your business at risk

Technology is transforming too rapidly for businesses to keep up – here’s how to ensure your staff aren’t leaving you in a vulnerable position.

A shortage in IT security skills and a lack of cyber training has left Britain’s workforce unable to cope with modern security risks.

 In this guide, we explain how pouring money into new technology and controls isn’t going to solve your security issues if your employees aren’t clued up on best practices.

You’ll find out:

  • Why humans, not technology, are the weakest link in IT security
  • The risks presented by new trends such as BYOD and remote working
  • How to secure documents, devices and networks from human error
  • What makes a great security training programme for workers

Download our guide and keep your business data secure from human error


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